3544 North Progress Avenue Suite 205 Harrisburg, PA 17110


Representative Payee Program

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  3. Representative Payee Program

Peace of Mind

Our Representative Payee program provides peace of mind in knowing that financial responsibilities are being addressed and handled timely and expertly. Ensuring the basic needs of housing and utilities are always up to date and stepping in to manage issues of bill concerns. Benefit payment management systems such as our program can step in when a family representative is unavailable to manage the monetary responsibilities of a loved one.

This program will not only handle just housing but medical bills and so much more can all be taken care of. By electing The Arc of Dauphin County to handle your finances you get the peace of mind that expenses are taken care of. Staff is willing to work with your support system to ensure seamless transitions, as well as call bill providers to make sure budget billing is set up on accounts as well.

To be enrolled or refer someone to the Representative Payee Program, please email info@arcofdc.org and someone will be in contact.

Impact Story

Howie – Consumer

I have been with the Arc for over a year now, and the kindness of those who work here go well beyond just a job. I had to have knee surgery, and several employees called to make sure I was OK and had enough food since I was unable to go anywhere. That is well beyond the call of someone just helping you with your finances.

My program did something for me that I had never been able to do before, build a savings. All my bills are taken care of without the stress it causes on me with my current health. I was never taught how to take care of money and was spending it most of my life before it was ever really mine. Without the knowledge of money, had to overcome the very embarrassing task of filing for bankruptcy twice before realizing needing help with finances.

I am beyond thankful for the Arc, the people who work here, and the people who continue to support the Arc so that I can live independently without fear that his medical and housing bills will not be paid. I just wish the Arc had come into my life sooner, as I have made some decisions about my retirement money that were not in my best interest. These folks have helped me work out some issues I have understanding the complicated issues that come with money, and really helped me learn things to pass along to others.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between a client and a consumer?

At the Arc of Dauphin County, we prefer to call those who require our services, consumers. No one wants to be referred to as a case. We believe this is a small sign of respect for our loved ones with mental and physical disabilities. The idea is that one’s ability is stronger than their disability.

I need help with a resource, but I am unsure where to start or if it even exists?

The staff in each program is here to help navigate in finding what is the best option available. While our focus is on the Dauphin County and surrounding community, we will do our best to either answer any questions you may have or find out an answer for you.

What is an advocate?

An advocate has many different meanings, think of our advocates as conversation starters. They specialize in bringing everyone to the table in times of need to make sure all the providers or partners in the consumers wellbeing are on the same page now and moving forward.

What is person centered advocacy?

The idea that what is best for the consumer is always what is put first. A level of transparency is always needed, but our advocates work for the consumer not the system of care. While it is a free service that connects the dots to available benefits and promotes communication between all parties involved. Our experienced and loving advocates will help with long term services and supports that are available to fit the needs and preferences for the consumer.

Do I need to pay for the services the Arc of Dauphin County offers?

No, many of the services provided to consumers are free of charge.

How is the Arc funded?

Majority of the funding comes from grants and donations from the community. This allows the continuation of free services to those who need them most.

Do you accept donations?

YES! Wish lists and needs for programs are posted on our website and social media. Many of our classes require donations of goods to be able to offer a wide variety of class options. Monetary support options are available as well at the top of the page or on social media.